API Reference
- GETget all components for an app
- GETget all components for an org
- GETget a component
- PATCHupdate a component
- GETGet all builds for a component
- POSTcreate component build
- GETget latest build for a component
- GETget a build for a component
- GETGet component build plan
- GETget all configs for a component
- POSTcreate a docker build component config
- POSTcreate an external image component config
- POSTcreate a helm component config
- GETget latest config for a component
- POSTcreate a terraform component config
- GETget all installs for an app
- POSTcreate an app install
- GETget an install
- POSTCreate an app install from an installer
- GETget all installs for an org
- DELdelete an install
- PATCHupdate an install
- GETget an install component
- GETget an installs components
- GETget an install components deploys
- GETget the latest deploy for an install component
- POSTdeploy a build to an install
- GETget an install deploy
- GETget install deploy plan
- GETget an installs inputs
- POSTcreate install inputs
- PATCHUpdates install input config for app
- GETget an installs current inputs
- GETget an installs sandbox runs
create a new org
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.nuon.co/v1/orgs \
--header 'Authorization: <api-key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "<string>",
"use_sandbox_mode": true
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"features": {},
"id": "<string>",
"logo_url": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"notifications_config": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"slack_webhook_url": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"runner_group": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"platform": "aws-ecs",
"runners": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"display_name": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"jobs": [
"available_timeout": 123,
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"execution_count": 123,
"execution_time": 123,
"execution_timeout": 123,
"executions": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"result": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"error_code": 123,
"error_metadata": {},
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"success": true,
"updated_at": "<string>"
"runner_job_id": "<string>",
"status": "pending",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"final_runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"finished_at": "<string>",
"group": "health-checks",
"id": "<string>",
"log_stream_id": "<string>",
"max_executions": 123,
"metadata": {},
"operation": "exec",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"overall_timeout": 123,
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"queue_timeout": 123,
"runner_id": "<string>",
"started_at": "<string>",
"status": "queued",
"status_description": "<string>",
"type": "health-check",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"name": "<string>",
"operations": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"log_stream": {
"attrs": {},
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"open": true,
"org_id": "<string>",
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"runner_api_url": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>",
"write_token": "<string>"
"operation_type": "provision",
"runner_id": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"status_description": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"org_id": "<string>",
"runner_group_id": "<string>",
"runner_job": {
"available_timeout": 123,
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"execution_count": 123,
"execution_time": 123,
"execution_timeout": 123,
"executions": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"result": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"error_code": 123,
"error_metadata": {},
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"success": true,
"updated_at": "<string>"
"runner_job_id": "<string>",
"status": "pending",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"final_runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"finished_at": "<string>",
"group": "health-checks",
"id": "<string>",
"log_stream_id": "<string>",
"max_executions": 123,
"metadata": {},
"operation": "exec",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"overall_timeout": 123,
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"queue_timeout": 123,
"runner_id": "<string>",
"started_at": "<string>",
"status": "queued",
"status_description": "<string>",
"type": "health-check",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"status": "<string>",
"status_description": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"settings": {
"aws_iam_role_arn": "<string>",
"container_image_tag": "<string>",
"container_image_url": "<string>",
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"enable_logging": true,
"enable_metrics": true,
"enable_sentry": true,
"heart_beat_timeout": 123,
"id": "<string>",
"k8s_service_account_name": "<string>",
"logging_level": "<string>",
"metadata": {},
"org_id": "<string>",
"otel_collector_config": "<string>",
"runner_api_url": "<string>",
"runner_group_id": "<string>",
"sandbox_mode": true,
"updated_at": "<string>"
"type": "install",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"sandbox_mode": true,
"status": "<string>",
"status_description": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>",
"vcs_connections": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"github_install_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>",
"vcs_connection_commit": [
"author_email": "<string>",
"author_name": "<string>",
"component_config_connection_id": "<string>",
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"message": "<string>",
"sha": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
Type "Bearer" followed by a space and token.
These fields are used to control the behaviour of the org.
parent can org, install or in the future, builtin runner group
, aws-eks
, azure-aks
, azure-acs
, local
available timeout is how long a job can be marked as "available" before being requeued
execution timeout is how long a job can be marked as "exeucuting" before being requeued
, initializing
, in-progress
, cleaning-up
, finished
, failed
, timed-out
, not-attempted
, cancelled
, unknown
, sync
, build
, deploy
, sandbox
, runner
, operations
, actions
, any
, apply
, destroy
, plan-only
, build
, unknown
overall timeout is how long a job can be attempted, before being cancelled
queue timeout is how long a job can be queued, before being made available
, available
, in-progress
, finished
, failed
, timed-out
, not-attempted
, cancelled
, unknown
, docker-build
, container-image-build
, terraform-module-build
, helm-chart-build
, noop-build
, oci-sync
, noop-sync
, terraform-deploy
, helm-chart-deploy
, job-deploy
, noop-deploy
, shut-down
, update-version
, noop
, sandbox-terraform
, runner-helm
, runner-terraform
, runner-local
, actions-workflow
job details
, reprovision
, deprovision
available timeout is how long a job can be marked as "available" before being requeued
execution timeout is how long a job can be marked as "exeucuting" before being requeued
, initializing
, in-progress
, cleaning-up
, finished
, failed
, timed-out
, not-attempted
, cancelled
, unknown
, sync
, build
, deploy
, sandbox
, runner
, operations
, actions
, any
, apply
, destroy
, plan-only
, build
, unknown
overall timeout is how long a job can be attempted, before being cancelled
queue timeout is how long a job can be queued, before being made available
, available
, in-progress
, finished
, failed
, timed-out
, not-attempted
, cancelled
, unknown
, docker-build
, container-image-build
, terraform-module-build
, helm-chart-build
, noop-build
, oci-sync
, noop-sync
, terraform-deploy
, helm-chart-deploy
, job-deploy
, noop-deploy
, shut-down
, update-version
, noop
, sandbox-terraform
, runner-helm
, runner-terraform
, runner-local
, actions-workflow
specific configuration for cloud specific runners, such as AWS or Azure
configuration for deploying the runner
Various settings for the runner to handle internally
Metadata is used as both log and metric tags/attributes in the runner when emitting data
configuration for managing the runner server side
, org
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.nuon.co/v1/orgs \
--header 'Authorization: <api-key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "<string>",
"use_sandbox_mode": true
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"features": {},
"id": "<string>",
"logo_url": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"notifications_config": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"slack_webhook_url": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"runner_group": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"platform": "aws-ecs",
"runners": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"display_name": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"jobs": [
"available_timeout": 123,
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"execution_count": 123,
"execution_time": 123,
"execution_timeout": 123,
"executions": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"result": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"error_code": 123,
"error_metadata": {},
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"success": true,
"updated_at": "<string>"
"runner_job_id": "<string>",
"status": "pending",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"final_runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"finished_at": "<string>",
"group": "health-checks",
"id": "<string>",
"log_stream_id": "<string>",
"max_executions": 123,
"metadata": {},
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"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"overall_timeout": 123,
"owner_id": "<string>",
"owner_type": "<string>",
"queue_timeout": 123,
"runner_id": "<string>",
"started_at": "<string>",
"status": "queued",
"status_description": "<string>",
"type": "health-check",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"name": "<string>",
"operations": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"log_stream": {
"attrs": {},
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
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"updated_at": "<string>",
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"status": "<string>",
"status_description": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"org_id": "<string>",
"runner_group_id": "<string>",
"runner_job": {
"available_timeout": 123,
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"execution_count": 123,
"execution_time": 123,
"execution_timeout": 123,
"executions": [
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"org_id": "<string>",
"outputs": {},
"outputs_json": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"result": {
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
"error_code": 123,
"error_metadata": {},
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"org_id": "<string>",
"runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
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"updated_at": "<string>"
"runner_job_id": "<string>",
"status": "pending",
"updated_at": "<string>"
"final_runner_job_execution_id": "<string>",
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"id": "<string>",
"log_stream_id": "<string>",
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"status": "<string>",
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"container_image_url": "<string>",
"created_at": "<string>",
"created_by_id": "<string>",
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"k8s_service_account_name": "<string>",
"logging_level": "<string>",
"metadata": {},
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"runner_group_id": "<string>",
"sandbox_mode": true,
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"updated_at": "<string>"
"sandbox_mode": true,
"status": "<string>",
"status_description": "<string>",
"updated_at": "<string>",
"vcs_connections": [
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"created_by_id": "<string>",
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"vcs_connection_commit": [
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