Learn more about what we are working on
Refer to our roadmap to learn more about the larger, foundational features we are building. Please share your feedback on our roadmap and let us know if you would like us to consider something not listed below.
February 2025
Config File Directories
Ensuring all TOML config files you need are linked in the right way to an app config is a lot of overhead. We’re adding support for syncing directories of config files, so you no longer need to manage this complexity.
Runner Cloudformation Stack
Cross-account access is required when provisioning installs. While this access can be removed afterwards, cutomers would prefer if it weren’t required at all. We’re working on a new Cloudformation-based installation flow that will obviate the need for cross-account access entirely.
Customers need to be able to provide secrets when installing an app, without those secrets being accessible by either Nuon or the Vendor. Building on the Cloudformation installation flow, we’re adding the ability for customers to provide secrets, which will be saved directly to AWS Secrets Store. These secrets will stay within the customer’s network, and will not be accessible from the Nuon Control Plane.
Break Glass Controls
In the event of an incident, a Vendor may need elevated access to a customer’s network. Building on the Runner Cloudformation Stack, we’re enabling Vendors to create “Break Glass” stacks, that a Customer can use to grant temporary, elevated access to their network.
Build Runner UI
Vendors need to be able to monitor and inspect the state of their Build Runners. We’re adding a new section to the Vendor Dashboard that will show the same info about build runners that we currently show for Install Runners.
March 2025
Plan-Only Jobs
Vendors need to be able to preview the effect running a job on an install will have. To support this, we’re adding the ability to run “plan-only” jobs, that will create and display a plan for what the job will do, without actually running it.
Deprovisioning Improvements
Even with careful planning and well-tested Infra-as-Code, deprovisioning an install can be a difficult process. We’re making improvements to this process to make uninstalling apps easier and more reliable.
App Versioning
It needs to be easier for Vendors to create and release new versions of their apps. We’re adding the ability to tag an entire app config, instead of versioning each component separately.
Release Management Improvements
Building on the App Versioning feature, we will make several improvements to Releases that will make it easier for both Vendors and Customers to manage updating installs.
Input Types
All app inputs are currently strings, which can be awkward to work with when you need a different variable type. We’re adding types to inputs, so they can be displayed in a more intuitive way, and be easier to use in component code.