The CLI is your primary interface to the Nuon platform.



We publish an official tap you can install with Homebrew.

brew install nuonco/tap/nuon

Run nuon to verify it’s installed and see all the sub-commands.

Manage Binaries Directly

If you are not using Homebrew, you can dowload the binaries for MacOS or Linux:

  • darwin_amd64
  • darmin_arm64
  • linux_arm
  • linux_arm64
  • linux_386
  • linux_amd64

Binaries are published to, and versioned by release. To download a binary, first look up the current API version, and then download the current binary for your platform.

To look up the current API version:

$ curl

To download the binaries for a specific version, substitute the version and platform into the following URL:$VERSION/nuon_${PLATFORM}

An example downloading the 0.19.19 version of the CLI for darwin_arm64:

$ wget -o nuon
$ chmod +x nuon


We recommend updating the nuon CLI weekly, by re-downloading the binary or re-running the installation script.

Debug Mode

In the case that something goes wrong, you can set the environment variable NUON_DEBUG to print verbose logs. These can be helpful to share with us, while debugging any issues.

$ NUON_DEBUG=true nuon apps list