Nuon offers multiple ways to create installs, allowing to implement and manage this important process in the way that best suits your business needs.

This guide assumes that you have create an IAM role, granting Nuon access to provision an AWS install. If not, please follow this guide first.


If you want to offer your customers a self-serve experience, you can create an installer. Installers bundle together all the config required to present a friendly UX your customers can use to install your app.

Reference the Installers guide to learn more.


Installs can be created via the Nuon CLI.

nuon installs create  --name=auto-deploy --region=us-east-1 --role=iam-role

API and SDKs

Installs can be created directly via our API, or by using an SDK:

An example of using nuon-go to create an install as part of a signup endpoint:

type CreateInstallRequest struct {
  Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

  AWSAccount struct {
    Region     string `json:"region"`
    IAMRoleARN string `json:"iam_role_arn" validate:"required"`
  } `json:"aws_account" validate:"required"`

  AppName string `json:"app_name" validate:"required"`

func (c *CreateInstallRequest) Validate(v *validator.Validate) error {
  if err := v.Struct(c); err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("invalid request: %w", err)
  return nil

func (s *app) signup(ctx *gin.Context) {
  var req CreateInstallRequest
  if err := ctx.BindJSON(&req); err != nil {
    ctx.Error(fmt.Errorf("unable to parse request: %w", err))
  if err := req.Validate(s.v); err != nil {
    writeErr(ctx, err)

  app, err := s.apiClient.GetApp(ctx, req.AppName)
  if err != nil {
    writeErr(ctx, err)

  install, err := s.apiClient.CreateInstall(ctx, app.ID, &models.ServiceCreateInstallRequest{
    Name: &req.Name,
    AwsAccount: &models.ServiceCreateInstallRequestAwsAccount{
      IamRoleArn: &req.AWSAccount.IAMRoleARN,
      Region:     req.AWSAccount.Region,
  if err != nil {
    writeErr(ctx, err)

  ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, install)

Updating Install Input Value

An install input value can be updated through our API or by using the CLI.

Example of a cli command to update an install input:

nuon installs update-input --install-id=inlju8zs1g3ohctqwdtqrhizp5 --inputs aws-eks-version=v1.29