Nuon supports several different component types which allow you to connect your existing devops automation, infrastructure as code and containers to your app.

What is a Component?

A component represents a part of your application, Nuon supports the following components:

  • Docker - any Dockerfile that can be built.
  • Container Images - any prebuilt OCI image.
  • Helm Charts - any Helm chart located in a repository.
  • Terraform - any Terraform module.
  • Jobs - any script that can be executed using an OCI image.

Setting up an application requires definining and testing your application configuration.

Component Management

The cli exposes many operational commands to manage components.

To see all available commands, run: nuon components --help.

Make sure to select an app using nuon apps select before using the components commands, or pass the -a flag to each component command.

Pinning a Component

You can pin a component, which will set it’s ID as a default argument to all component commands. This is helpful to avoid having to pass -c to each command.

Each example below assumes you have run nuon components select first.

To show the currently pinned component:

Component Management Commands

Commands for working with components

Components can only be created using the Terraform provider or configuration file.

Get a component

List components - List components for an app.

It is not recommended to delete components using the CLI, but rather to manage them using Terraform or config files.

Delete a component - delete a component

It is not recommended to delete components using the CLI, but rather to manage them using Terraform or config files.

Print a component config - print the latest configuration for a component.

Component Builds

All components must be built before releasing. The release commands support an -auto-build flag which will trigger a build.

Create a build - create a build using the latest component configuration.

List builds - list builds for a component.

Get a build - print out build details.

Logs - show logs for a build.

Print Plan - print a build plan with configuration for the build.