You can create an installer to provide a self-service UI that enables your users to deploy your BYOC applications. There are two steps to setting up an installer: configuring the metadata, and then setting up your desired UI.

Configuring an Installer

Configure an installer for your app by adding an installer block to your app config.

name                  = "Your App"
description           = "A demo app."
slug                  = "<your-app>"
documentation_url     = ""
community_url         = ""
logo_url              = ""
github_url            = ""
homepage_url          = ""
demo_url              = ""
post_install_markdown = """
# Your App

Your App is being deployed.

You can run nuon installers list to confirm the installer was created.

Using the Default UI

As soon as the installer is created, you can view the default UI at the configured URL slug. For the config above, the URL would be This page will reflect any changes you make to the content in the config, but you cannot update the styles or layout.

Because all installers are automatically hosted this way, the slug you configure must be globally unique.

Using the Custom Template

If you would like to provide a custom, fully-branded experience to your customers, we provide an open-source template at It uses Next.js and Tailwind, to facilitate easy customization and deployment.

To get started with the template, fork the template repo and run it locally following the directions in the README. When you’re ready, it can be deployed to any platform that supports Next.js.

Deploying to Vercel

To deploy your installer to Vercel:

  1. Contact Nuon support to get a static token for your org. You’ll need this so the installer can make API calls without using your personal API token.
  2. Follow the Next.js docs to create a project on Vercel.
  3. In the Vercel project settings, under Environment Variables, add the NUON_ORG_ID and NUON_API_TOKEN vars, using your org ID and the static token from step 1.
  4. Push to your repo, and Vercel should create a new deploy automatically.
  5. When you’re ready to start serving customers, update the project’s DNS settings to host the installer at your desired domain.

Integrating with the API

Because installers are configured as part of your app’s data model, you can also build your own custom UX and integrate with our API. While this required more effort, it allows you to build a fully custom UX into your product’s sign-up flow, and integrate with Nuon from your backend.