March 4th, 2024

Config Files

Before Nuon, creating a BYOC application took months, or even years. Using our Terraform Provider, anyone can create a BYOC application in a few hours - however, we knew we could make it even faster.

Today, we are happy to share that you can create BYOC apps with two simple commands:

nuon apps create --name=your-cool-app
nuon apps sync

This is a HUGE deal, you can now experiment with different versions of your BYOC app (such as fully-managed, byo-vpc or others), and get going in just a few minutes. All you need to do is modify the config file to point Nuon at the write components, and we’ll handle the rest. Yes, it’s that easy.

Config files use TOML syntax, and allow you to define each part of your application, including installers, components, sandboxes and more.

name = "toml_terraform"
type = "terraform_module"
terraform_version = "1.7.5"

directory = "infra"
repo = "powertoolsdev/mono"
branch = "main"

AWS_REGION = "{{.nuon.install.sandbox.account.region}}"
ACCOUNT_ID = "{{}}"

While some of you may still want to use Terraform to handle more complex applications (or multiple apps), we think these config files will be a lot faster for most people to onboard :).

Check our our config docs for more.

Export Terraform

Under the hood, our config files generate Terraform, and use our Terraform provider to keep your app in sync. We went ahead and exposed this generated terraform, in case you would like to migrate from config files to terraform.

To generate terraform json, simply run:

nuon apps export-terraform

To work with this generated terraform json, simply write it to a file with a .tf.json suffix. All normal terraform commands will work like usual:

nuon apps export-terraform >
terraform init
terraform plan

Coming Soon

As a teaser, we are heads down shipping an all new way to debug and manage Nuon installs. Early customer feedback has been great, and we’ll be sharing this with the world next week - stay tuned!